
Time Portals Extras

Both Time Portals of Norwich and Time's Revenge have extras associated with the novels.

Click on a link below to view and download them:

Beyond the Portals

A talk by David Viner covering:

Please use the contact form for more information or to request David to deliver a talk to your book club, library or other organisation.

Please note that there will be a fee payable for talks depending upon the length of talk required, the number of people expected and mileage costs depending upon the distance from Norwich. Small local clubs will be free of charge!


Download PDF copies of the latest book/news leaflets displayed on the stand at events. These are each meant to be printed double-sided onto a single sheet of A4 paper.

Click on an icon or title to download/view the file.

PDFViva Djinn Main Leaflet - February 2024311Kb
PDFViva Djinn Other Books Leaflet - January 2024a386Kb